Sunday, August 23, 2015


I figured I'd start this off with the background info. I can't and won't go into the complete list of "how's" and "why's" at this time, mostly because I don't know all of them yet. What I DO know is that I've always struggled with organization. With buying too much. With feeling like I must own "stuff".

I'm very impulsive and I've often had that feeling of that if I just bought this item, I would be so much happier. I would enjoy doing ______ again. New bedding would make me enjoy being in my room more. A Pinterest inspired laundry room would make me want to do laundry more.

And it did....for a few days. And eventually the feel of the spacewoukd be just like it was before.  We've frequently 'purged', gotten rid of a lot of of stuff. Every time we move, I have visions of this bright and fresh space without the clutter, and I get rid of what I think is enough stuff to make it that way. But it's never quite enough and within weeks, I feel overwhelmed again. Now don't get me wrong, I'm nowhere near 'Hoarders' status, but I function best in a bright space that feels fresh, clean surfaces. Too much stuff makes my brain spin and distracts me.

A month or so ago, I started seeing recommendations for this book called "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. I didn't hold out much hope, after all, my previous attempts at purging and organizing weren't terribly successful. But people I knew were raving about this book and it was a short read, so I made no promises to myself but settled in to read....

To be Continued....

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